While people typically assume that vaping is relatively safe, a new study has shown that even using vapes that contain no nicotine can be harmful. The study compared zero-nicotine vapes with other devices or rolled cigarettes that contain this addictive chemical. While you may be aware that vaping is not as safe as once assumed, this information may be enough to put you off the habit for good!
The University of Pennsylvania study, published in Medical and Life Sciences, investigated the effects of smoking and vaping on the body’s vascular system. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the vascular system consists of blood vessels that transport lymph fluid and blood throughout the human body. It’s also known as the circulatory system. The veins and arteries transport blood throughout the entire body. They deliver nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and also dispose of tissue waste. The study chose a group of 31 healthy vapers and smokers varying in age from 21 to 49 years; thereafter, two MRI tests were performed on each subject.